【上商学术沙龙第47讲】what doesn’t kill you may make you overconfident: ceo gender and mergers and acquisitions in china-国际云顶yd4008


【上商学术沙龙第47讲】what doesn’t kill you may make you overconfident: ceo gender and mergers and acquisitions in china

题目:what doesn’t kill you may make you overconfident: ceo gender and mergers and acquisitions in china

演讲者:陈苡文  副教授   西南财经大学

时间: 2022415日  13:30 

地点: 在线,腾讯会议   917 687 265


in the context of the chinese market, we find that female ceos undertake more m&as than male ceos, which contradicts the u.s. evidence in huang and kisgen (2013). further analysis shows that the stronger gender inequality amplifies the positive effect of female ceos on m&as. our study reveals that women ceos in china may be more overconfident than their male counterparts because of severe gender inequalities in society. the results cannot be explained by risk tolerance, since we find that economic policy uncertainty negatively impacts m&as and that the negative impact is more apparent in firms with female ceos. the results of the additional tests performed to mitigate the endogeneity concerns are consistent with our main conclusions.



陈苡文,副教授,博士生导师。2015年毕业于政治大学金融专业,2013年至2014年间在美国乔治梅森大学作访问学者,2016年进入西南财经大学金融学院任教。主要从事与公司金融、资产定价、金融市场微观结构相关的研究工作,目前已取得数篇学术成果,文章发表在journal of financial and quantitative analysisjournal of empirical financeinternational review of economics and financial 等国际金融期刊。


